I heart u

Seven years ago, before we were betrothed, Tash lived in the Castro, a straight woman in the gayest neigborhood in the world. One night we passed a freshly poured concrete slab. We couldn't resist the age old urge to scrawl some romantic graffiti.
Our closest Cingular store is nearby, and todayI had to go and argue with them, (they somehow managed to change my social security number to something other than mine, which means I can't access my account - but thats another very LONG story). Anyhow - while in the neighborhood we took our fifteen month old daughter to visit the scene of our crime, and I moblogged it.
Labels: Moblog, Photography, San Francisco
I've been reading your weblog and when I stumbled across this I thought you might be interested. It is a community art project, which makes you draw breath... and reflect. Perhaps you'll also get something out of it: http://postsecret.blogspot.com/
Totally compelling. I found it stayed with me a long time after I had browsed there.
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