Old Friends

I am currently back in Limerick, en route to London on a business trip. I brought my son, Shane, who will remain my parents for the week. After 12 hours flying with a 3 year old I deserved a pint! I met my friend Dave Irwin, in Tom Collins pub. Limerick greeted me with a rare sunny day, so we decided to imbibe al fresco. Dave is a musician and used to live in San Francisco. He played bass with my old band Stride. He has also recorded two excellent solo albums, which are unfortunately now out of print. He has give me permission to put one of his songs on the blog. Click here to download "So Slow Writing". We didn't know each other when I was living in Limerick. We met when I searched mp3.com to see if there were any other Limerick musicians uploading songs. We exchanged e mails and in one of those freak coincidences it turned out that Dave was moving to San Francisco. He remained there for a few years before returning to take up his musical career in Ireland.
This is David with his latest E-Bay purchase, a leather bound Telecaster!

Looks who's stylin'! Hi David! We still miss you.
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