Pinback at The Fillmore
A friend asked me if I would like to go see Pinback at the Fillmore last night. Although not overly familiar with their music, I had heard enough to want to go. Anyhow, the Fillmore is such a cool venue thatI would go there to watch Morris Dancing. The place is an event in and of itself.
I read a review somewhere which described Pinback as post modern indie pop. Sounds about right to me. It was a good show of great songs. At once stage they had two bass players on stage and the sound they created was very cool indeed. Only marginally less entertaining were the trio of Paris Hilton wannabes dancing beside us. In contrast to the indie boys and girls in their Converse and old t-shirt uniform, our blonde threesome, to the delight of most of the guys around them, wore just enough to not be naked. To my surprise, given the nature of the music, (they looked more the Justin Timberlake type), they knew every lyric to every song. Between the music on stage, and the three Paris's singing along, dudeing each other between songs, whilst attempting to dance and not flash panties at all and sundry: it was a fun night.

I read a review somewhere which described Pinback as post modern indie pop. Sounds about right to me. It was a good show of great songs. At once stage they had two bass players on stage and the sound they created was very cool indeed. Only marginally less entertaining were the trio of Paris Hilton wannabes dancing beside us. In contrast to the indie boys and girls in their Converse and old t-shirt uniform, our blonde threesome, to the delight of most of the guys around them, wore just enough to not be naked. To my surprise, given the nature of the music, (they looked more the Justin Timberlake type), they knew every lyric to every song. Between the music on stage, and the three Paris's singing along, dudeing each other between songs, whilst attempting to dance and not flash panties at all and sundry: it was a fun night.

Er ...what about a pic of those almost naked blondes?
To dark for my phone camera :)
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