And so this is Christmas.....

We are in Connecticut, having braved flying with the three kids. This was nowhere near as bad as it should have been. God bless the inventor of the portable DVD player and thanks be to Jesus, (it is his birthday afterall), for a strong tail wind,which reduced our eastward travels to four and a half hours.
Natasha has about forty million Indian relatives in CT. Actually, it's probably closer to thirty, they just have a multitudenous feel to them, (and, I excercise my Celtic right to gross exaggeration). Our three kids are the youngest by far, so they get spoiled something rotten. See exhibit A above. There will be more of the same when they reach Limerick next week.
Are you in Limerick this week? Give me a shout! I'm in the directory under 'Alive'...!
I'm down in kerry until next week. I'll be back in Limerick next week for a few days.
drop me an e mail at johnmcatjohnmcdermottdotnet
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