Monday, January 07, 2008

Winter Birthday

 Cute Maya Hood_20071209_0007
This morning on the way to preschool, she hopped out of the car, stopped the first stranger she saw, and proudly proclaimed," My name is Maya, and I'm FOUR!" Not shy, our daughter. At all. I can't believe it's four years since we were shopping for a dining room table and I had to convince my wife that she was going into labor (she was really dead set on getting that table that day). I had to gently explain that despite her fervent wishes, our second baby was coming early. Tash, being experienced at this, said one thing when we got to the hospital: "Epidural. NOW!" My grasp of the written word is not sufficient to describe the look on her face when the doctor told her that the anesthesiologist was two floors down and things were too advanced, so the baby would be well on its way into this mortal coil by the time pain relief arrived. So, Maya said no to drugs and came happily into the world - and has remained that way since.

She's a clever little girl, but a space cadet. You can repeat yourself a million times, but if she's distracted, you might as well be an invisible mute. You could also grow old waiting for her to get dressed in the morning, and there are already mommy-daughter tussles over choice of clothing. Maya is quite happy to kick a soccer ball, or climb a tree, or beat up her younger brother, as long as she is wearing a dress, or skirt, in either pink or purple with matching tights and top. Her favorite item is a pair of pale pink Ugg boots my mother bought her. No matter the weather, the very idea of wearing pants is repugnant to her. And she will stand her ground on that matter. Her teenage years will be interesting. She already has to get the last word in.

My parents own a huge Alsatian (really huge), and he is like a little puppy around her. He took a total shine to her and is quite happy to follow her around. They make quite a pair.

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Blogger fatmammycat said...

She's so beautiful and she sounds like a hoot. I bet in her teenage years she will wear only black and there will be piercing and eye-liner galore. Happy days.

10:07 AM  
Blogger John Mc said...


She is a hoot, and very affectionate and cuddly, and the worlds worst listener. Even her brother goes around saying "Maya hasn't got her listening ears on again". Despite not listening, like me she ALWAYS has an answer to everything. God, I was an annoying teenager. It's natures revenge on me.

I hope she wears black and gets pierced, although it will be hard for our kids to rebel, they would have to become hardcore evangelicals..*shudder*

11:07 AM  
Blogger fatmammycat said...

Eek, that would be scary. Watch out for the emergence of pringle jumpers and a talk of chastity rings/balls.

1:11 AM  
Anonymous Sam, Problemchildbride said...

Oh she's a gorgeous girl. I hope her birthday was fun for you all.

Trouble with my brood is that the girls and their daddy all share a birthday so I can't give them each the individual celebration I'd like to.

10:07 AM  
Blogger John Mc said...


The Birthday was fun, to a certain extent, I was sick with a Sinus infection and 12 screaming 4 year old girls at any time are hard to handle. It's amazing the noise level compared to my sons b-day parties.

Wow thats wild 3 family members with the same birthday. The cool thing is that when they are all grown up it will be a great way to bring everyone together.

10:18 AM  
Blogger Medbh said...

Oh, my god, she's gorgeous, John. Made my ovaries pop.
Happy belated birthday to the lovely Maya.

12:39 PM  
Blogger MairĂ©ad said...

Dotey pet!
Yep, she'll getcha during those teens, so enjoy those hugs now.
On the lack of listening thing - any chance she's suffering from a spot of glue ear? One of mine had it, and he couldn't hear too well sometimes, so his attention wavered in and out. Hard to diagnose, because he was grand today and gone tomorrow. He got grommets in at 4 and never looked back.
Just a thought.

3:19 PM  
Blogger John Mc said...


If it's glue ear, the words, TV, chocolate and treats always make it throught!

9:44 AM  

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