Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Mother of Three is 36 - Happy Birthday!

We decided today was numerologically auspicous. Tash is thirty six and she has three kids. It's all about the number three.
When I went to pick up Shane at his preschool, he presented me with a lovely birthday card for Tash. I couldn't quite figure out why all his teachers were smiling admiringly at me, until one asked me what kind of car I had bought for Tash's birthday. Apparently Shane had been telling everyone that Daddy had gotten Mommy a new black car for her birthday - she wishes! I guess he doesn't like the new minivan, (we gave in, three kids who all need car seats just don't fit in my car). Despite this, WE WILL NEVER MOVE TO THE SUBURBS. Not that there's anything wrong with the 'burbs, but I did spend the first eighteen years of my life there. That's enough for one lifetime.

Happy Birthday, Tash, xxx times ten million

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Mother of three jumps out hospital window

While we were still in the hospital with Cian, some friends came to visit. I caught the following conversation between my friend Martin and Tash:

Martin, " I can't believe you are a mother of three!"

Tash, "I know, neither can I."

Martin, "I mean, if you were to jump out the window right now," (we were on the 15th floor of the hospital), "the newspaper headline wouldn't be 'Natasha McDermott Jumps Out Hospital Window.' It would be 'Natasha McDermott, Mother of Three, Jumps Out Hospital Window.'"

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Toes like peas

Dervala had the most lovely post about Cian's birth. Really beautiful. Toes like peas.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Cian Surinder McDermott born 6:46 PST on October 5th 2005. Cian, ("Cian" is pronounced KEY-en and means ancient or enduring and "Surinder" is after his Indian grandpa). Despite the sleepy head in the photo, he has been pretty bright eyed and awake. He has really long legs, not a common trait in his family. Click the photo for my Flicker photo stream.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

It's a boy!

We are delighted to announce that Natasha gave birth to a beautiful, and very alert baby boy at 6:46pm, PST. Eight pounds and six ounces. There two names in the running, one is winning by more than a nose, but we have decided a night's rest is in order before we make the final decision.

Its a good day to be born

Today is the day. Baby number three. He or she was due yesterday, but no dice, we have two kids already so Natasha decided she can't wait, so we scheduled an induction today. What a difference from the other 2 two kids births, so far. No early morning dash in a taxi to UCSF. We've just arrived at the hospital. Its a perfect San Francisco fall day and our room has the most beautiful view of this gorgeous city, (see the above photo). It's a good day to be born.