Thursday, October 25, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
At lunch time today, one of my team members brought me to the Meiji Jingu Shinto shrine, which is near the office. It's a beautiful, peaceful place - you wouldn't believe that you are in the middle of a huge city, once inside the grounds. The temple is made of Japanese cyprus and then woodwork is stark, precise, and beautiful. Also, it seems like the Japanese gods like a good knees up, based on the size of the Sake offering below (one of several).
As luck would have it, some of the company brass were also in town yesterday, and I was asked to tag along to a dinner at the top of the Park Hyatt hotel. If you have seen the movie Lost In Translation, you might recognise the restaurant. The characters were staying in the hotel. One of the scenes has Bill Murray and Scarlett Johanssen drinking in the restaurant, with spectacular night time views of Tokyo as the back drop. I actually didn't cop on about the movie myself until someone mentioned it to me. The food was amazing and the conversation interesting, and despite having my camera in my bag, I never took any pictures of the view. Doh! It only dawned on me when I got back to my hotel.
Labels: Canon 30D, Photography, Tokyo
Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Labels: Canon 30D, London, Photography
Monday, October 08, 2007
Limerick Moon

I took this when I was back in Limerick a few weeks back. It was a gorgeous harvest moon hanging low over the city. Unfortunately I didn't have time to grab my gear and head outside to someplace where I would have been in a position to take a shot that included the moon and the city.
Labels: Canon 30D, Limerick, Photography
Friday, October 05, 2007
Birthday Boy

He has no awareness of his place in the sibling hierarchy. As far as he is concerned, even if he is the youngest, he is the King, and demands that respect be accorded him. His older brother and sister, who delight in his charm, are happy to play along...up to a point. There have been some older sister younger brother standoffs.
He had clonked his head while playing a few minutes before this photo was taken, hence the tears. He had been comforted before I took it, I'm not that cold hearted!
Labels: Birthday, Canon 30D, Cian, Photography
Thursday, October 04, 2007
"Ta siad ag teacht..."
Anyone who lived in Ireland in the 80's will get the above reference. It's Irish for, "They are coming." Guinness are rightfully famous for their adverts over the years, and the quote is from a Guinness ad. It starts with a dark moody bar, and the sound of a clock ticking, (think a Western transported to the Aran Islands). Their are several shadowy figures loitering quietly. Then a man rushes into the bar and announces, "Ta siad ag teacht!" The next scene is that of a currach rushing over the waves, a keg of Guinness sitting in its midsection.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Kerry Sky

Labels: Canon 30D, Dingle Peninsula, Kerry, Photography