Thursday, June 14, 2007



This is Shane and Maya with my bro-in-law, Rahul. I love this photo. The kids have developed a sense of humor all their own, hence Shane's crossed eyes. He was cracking himself up, and despite my exhortations to desist, the second I would click, he would cross them again. This does, however, make a break from their standard scatological humor which consists of them saying "poop" "butt" or "fart" to each other over and over, and then laughing uproariously. They can do this for hours. The same night that I took this photo, I let Shane use my little digital camera. I heard some giggling from out in the hallway, and when I went to see what was going on, I found Maya with her pants around her ankles, telling Shane, "Take a picture of my butt!"

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Tuesday, June 05, 2007


I'm really not sure what to make of this.

Shane has an Irish teacher at his pre-school. She asked the kids what their favorite place, outside of home and school was. Shane answered that his favorite place was Ireland. When asked why, he replied with a straight face, "because I like going to the pub and drinking pints of Guinness with Daddy"

Lucky it was an Irish teacher!

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Friday, June 30, 2006

Woke up this morning...

Shane and Maya with Guitar_20060616_0004

and my Cheerios wus gone.

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